Here's how to earn one or more $50 gift cards.
Step 1: Follow us on social media - If you’re not following us already, start following us on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
Step 2: Share a photo of KML with us - Next, share a photo of KML on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn and tag KML in the post (so we can see it). The photo must feature KML installed in a finished project (we're not looking for pics of constructions sites). If you designed the space in the photo or helped it come to life in some way, don't forget to give yourself or your company credit for bringing something beautiful into the world.
We will direct message you to request a hi-res version of the photo for our use — and to get you your gift card. Here's how to participate.
Contest Rules
As you know, KML can be used in a variety of ways and spaces. We want to showcase this. If you have multiple projects featuring KML, you can win multiple gift cards!
Don't share more than one photo per designed space. Just share your very best photo from each project.
We will make an exception to this rule if your one project shows KML used in multiple ways, applications, or styles. For example, if you did a multifamily project that features units with noticeably different looks, or if you featured KML in two very different parts of a retail space, we're happy to make an exception to the rule. Just don't show us the same room from 10 different angles.
Eligible photos are…
Of KML products in finished spaces
In focus and reasonably well lit
Legally yours to use and distribute
Ineligible photos are…
Pictures of uninstalled KML products or unfinished spaces
Out of focus or darkly lit
Not legally yours to use or distribute